Thursday, 19 April 2012

Initial document day

Hooray, I feel much better today! Managed to sweat the bug out last night, like a little mini fever, and this morning I feel great! Just shows if you act early enough you can recover much faster.

Our aim today is to finish logging risks from the doco we have so far and our interviews, to think about what we want our interview questions to be from here on, to get some hard copies for ourselves (we need to travel to a different office to get a printer), and then start booking interviews. Our aim is to qualify that the risks we have come up with are real risks, or that the premise for the risk does exist. When we publish our final product we need to be able to say "you told us this" even for new risks that we come up with, they need to be based on something we have collected through our interviews. In "Issue Based Consulting", this would be asking the Key Questions to prove or disprove a Hypothesis.

Two days straight of non-stop identifying and logging risks is not fun, by mid way through today we were all thoroughly sick of it, and our brains hurt. Battling through however, 152 risks later, and we're almost done with the first pass. That's not to say the project is high risk however, we haven't finished the analysis yet and we still need to categorize the risks.

This team is awesome, everyone started at 8.30am this morning and was happy to work through till after 10pm before getting so tired we had to stop. Adrenaline is probably what kept us working through lunch and dinner breaks, and the desperate need to end this part of the exercise.

Tomorrow we have to be out the door at 7.30am for a site visit. Amy will be presenting our progress to date to the sponsor in the morning, I hope they are impressed with what we've achieved already, I'll be sorely disappointed if they say otherwise :)

- Keep on Rockin'. Dwight.

Location:Eight Rd,Accra,Ghana

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