It was a beautiful sunny day here, and the temperature felt like it had dropped back a bit, so maybe only 30 Celsius for a change, and less humidity too. Still doesn't drop below 26 Celsius at night though, so I keep the AC running all night on 22 - it also helps keep mozzies away, too cold for them here. Not that we spent much time outside, aside from traveling to a meeting and back, we locked ourselves into our room of risk once again.
We managed to assign consequences/impact to 107 of our now 199 risks by 6pm today. After that effort we were grateful for an end of week meeting with our sponsor before finishing up the day. You don't really want me to talk about how we assigned every one of those do you? It's just one of things you have to grind through, but the deep satisfaction comes at the end. Wax on, wax off for those old enough to know the 80's movie. So what else can I share with you instead...
One of our team, Thiago from Brazil, reports he has a special friend who visits him each morning. One of the local geckos, they range in size from about 10cm to 30cm from what we have seen. He's not getting rid of it however, they also keep the mozzies away :)
I tried to recover the photos from the Canon camera, which has come back to life. With the help of two of the team members, Gerrard and Petra, we tried recovery software, formatting, everything. Unfortunately, we recovered everything except the photos from Ghana. It turns out SD Cards are not as reliable as I had thought. Lessons here for travelers - don't use big cards and backup often. I had 32Gb card but it fails around the half way mark and can't read any data. Nothing writes out bad sectors on these cards, so if u get a problem like this, you just lose the data. The recommendation then is to throw away the card, don't format it - formatting will make it look ok, but as soon as it hits that bad spot again, "Holy smoke batman" no more photos. It's ok however, as we will all share our photos at the end of this, and I'll pickup the memories from other peoples shots.
Everyone brought down their gifts for kids this evening and we sorted them out into what we will take to the orphanage tomorrow, and the rest for another orphanage next week. We also planned our river cruise for Sunday, and a brief on what we needed to complete next week. I think everyone is feeling the butterflies now that work is in its home stretch before we need to finalize our presentations. There is a real buzz about. I have some pics, but will have to upload separately as wifi at the hotel is down again. There is no telling when it will be up and for how long for.
- Keep on Rockin'. Dwight.
Location:Eight Rd,Accra,Ghana
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