Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Stay on target...

Phew, another big day preparing our final deliverables. Aside from lunch, we didn't see sunshine today, thoroughly buried in documenting our process for risk management, deciding what we want to include in the main body, what goes into an appendix. The hardest job is starting with a blank page and adding content. Once content is there, it's easy to criticize a document, but the real work is building it from nothing. Once we overcame that blank page hurdle, the content started to materialize quite easily, then our new problem was ensuring we kept our content relevant. Everyone on the team has read sections of documents titled "Strategy" and been frustrated that the text bears no resemblance to strategy at all, but very much tactical or operational guff. The last thing we want is our customer to read an example like that and dismiss the rest of the document as if the author doesn't know what strategy is, why should the reader trust they know anything about the rest of the topic at all? Our document should be good, but tomorrow is going to be another busy day.

Lunch today was very interesting. I tried another local Ghanaian dish called FuFu with chicken soup. Fufu looks like Banku, but it is made from Plantain and cassava instead of fermented maise and tastes more like mash potato. It's not sour, and is served in spicy soup, similar tasting to a Laksa. It was good, but very filling. I need to upload pictures from my iPhone to show you, but unfortunately WiFi access is still not working at the hotel. I also had the fortune to be able to try Grasscutter today as Gerrard set the pace for the Australians by braving Fufu in Grasscutter soup. Grasscutter has the same texture as goat and similar but much stronger flavor, very gamey. The taste stayed with me for about 30 minutes after, even the spicy soup couldn't kill it :). I can't wait for a beef kebab on the BBQ and lamb chops!! I think I dreamt of them last night :)

For those who have kept up with the blog, you know a Grasscutter is a giant rat in these parts, and considered a delicacy. Here is a picture:


- Keep on Rockin'. Dwight.

Location:Morocco Rd,Accra,Ghana

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