Wednesday, 2 May 2012

More Risk!

Wednesday was another full day of evaluating our risks. We have now divided them into 5 categories to help communicate the large volume to our audience, and have started putting mitigation against each of them. We should finish mitigation for our primary risks tomorrow, and will then start the final Risk Plan document, and our final presentation. Our mitigation looks at not only what could be done to prevent this risk, but also what could be done if this risk occurs and the government is forced to deal with the risk. Brainstorming mitigation actions with everything we have learned over the past 2.5 weeks takes lots of mental power, we finished up this day exhausted!

To ensure we end with a quality product, we are trying to organize second interviews with the key people we spoke with. In these second interviews we talk about each of the primary risks and what these key people would do to mitigate them. The work we have done on risk mitigation serves as a prompter to help get some people started, others already have ideas on how they would like to see the risks handled.

Today we had an interview setup for 10am, which got pushed to 11.30am, and then 12pm, and then not at all. Petra, on our group, however managed to convince our reluctant customer to meet with us tomorrow. It helps to have sales professionals in your group, used to working through what it is the customer wants so they will talk to us. We didn't lose time however, as we have an office on these premises and could continue our work from there. Unfortunately the AC was out, and while we got some relief from a ceiling fan, it was mental Olympics staying engaged and actively listening in the humid heat.

During our lunch break, we quickly jumped into a supermarket (Koala), which wouldn't be much to talk about, except they had Double Decker bars! We don't get them in Australia, it's a Cadbury invention in the UK, and they are just short of awesome! So I bought a whole box to bring back as my whole family will want them :). Baggage weight might be an issue at this point, my carry on bag is going to be heavier than my suitcase at this rate!

- Keep on Rockin'. Dwight.

Location:Eight Rd,Accra,Ghana

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